How to Boost Kids Immune Systems During Winter

It's that time of year again.

The crisp, fall air arrives and so does the sound of our children coughing. 

“But, you live in Hawaii! It’s so warm and you don’t have to worry about getting sick this winter...” I’ve heard this a few times and it’s simply not true, my little guy has a fever as I write this : (

Our immune systems need constant nourishment to fight off the winter cold and flu season.  There are viruses everywhere! We can't control every outcome, but we most definitely can do our best to prevent sickness.

Here are a few things we do at our home to boost our immune systems and prepare to fight against viruses:


    Eating nutritious, whole foods is absolutely our best defense against illness. By limiting processed foods and sugars our gut becomes more capable to digest and absorb beneficial nutrients into our bodies to boost our immunity. Healthy eating does not have to be overwhelming - simply shop on the outside of the grocery store where you can find more fruits and vegetables, and try to stay away from the processed foods that are typically found in the middle. Bacteria feeds off sugar!

  2. SLEEP!

    Make sure our kiddos are getting the rest they need. Early bedtimes benefits their little bodies greatly. Even one lost hour of sleep can suppress their immune system! And, let’s say they do get sick and want to sleep all day long, let them sleep!


    When our immune systems are down, they need some extra help. There are essential vitamins that can give them the boost to recover. Because our gut houses most of our immune system, it is so important to regularly take probiotics. Other vitamins that help with immunity include: B12 (one that our bodies do not make), D3, Zinc, Vitamin C, and Elderberry. My one-stop-shop is the Immunity Bundle from...Mary Ruth's, of course, lol.

Remember, we can’t prevent everything. If you or your child gets sick this season, remember to do these things to prevent from spreading the virus to others, especially other family members:

  • Drink lots of water

  • Wash your hands

  • Sanitize areas using natural cleaners or disinfectants that don’t put other irritants into the air.

Above all, always remember to use your mama intuition and trust your instincts; )  There are many things you can do within the walls of your home to prevent and treat the common cold, but if you feel that it’s more serious and you need to take your child to be seen by a doctor, do it!

PS.  I’m sharing on my Instagram Stories, throughout the day, how I use the Immunity Bundle with my family + my updated Mary Ruth's code is TRIPP20